
Data Science Specialization

Explore Data Science and develop the skills necessary for a successful career in the industry.

Benefits of becoming
part of our community

Embark on a transformative educational journey alongside like-minded individuals through our innovative online, part-time programs designed to elevate your learning experience.

Flexible Learning

Our programs offer a combination of self-paced coursework and live sessions with industry professionals to clarify concepts and enhance your understanding.

Convenient Schedule

Enjoy the flexibility of our part-time, online program to fit your busy life and commitments.

Instructor-Led Cohort

Join a cohort led by expert instructors who provide guidance, support, and valuable insights throughout your learning experience.

Hands-On Projects

Engage in practical capstone projects, either self-designed or in collaboration with industry partners, to showcase your skills.

Collaborative Cohort

Stay motivated and inspired by the support of your cohort peers and our dedicated team throughout your learning journey.

Career Support

Access exclusive career services, including career fair, interviews, projects, and sourcing opportunities, to accelerate your career growth.


1 Week

Data Science Foundations

Skills Gained

Learning Outcomes

You will discover the Data Science lifecycle and explore its different aspects in detail. You will also learn the basics of databases, different data types you will encounter in your study, and different treatment methods for data.

2 Weeks

Machine Learning Foundations

Skills Gained

Learning Outcomes

You will focus on understanding what a machine learning algorithm is composed of, get introduced to the most popular algorithms and explore their mathematical formulations, and be able to select the best model to build and train on different real-world problems.

1 Week

Statistical Model Validation & Testing

Skills Gained

Learning Outcomes

You will discover common mistakes and mishaps in evaluation of machine learning methods. You will learn different evaluation criteria as well as statistical methods that guarantee your model comparisons are accurate and statistically supported.

1 Week

Advanced Data Types

Skills Gained

Learning Outcomes

You will explore different types of data and what kind of operations can be performed on each in order to better extract useful information. You will also learn how to structure sequential data to conduct your analysis.

1 Week

Neural Networks & Deep Learning

Skills Gained

Learning Outcomes

You will learn about Deep Learning and discover its great advancements. You will get introduced to deep learning libraries in Python and discover different Neural Network architectures that help you build deep learning solutions when dealing with different kinds of data.

1 Week

Data Science Toolkit

Skills Gained

Learning Outcomes

You will learn how you can scrape data from the web using python libraries. You will get introduced to relational and non-relational databases for storing data, and finally, you will learn about some data transformations.

1 Week

Data Science in Production

Skills Gained

Learning Outcomes

Now that your foundation is solid, you will explore data science in practice. You will revisit the data science lifecycle to know more about each of its steps in production. You will learn about the challenges that might occur and the best practices to overcome them, along with tools that help you scale to real-world implementations.

1 Week

Data Storytelling

Skills Gained

Learning Outcomes

You will learn how to effectively communicate insights from your dataset using various types of visualizations. You will discover tools and techniques to create an engaging and informative story.

Industry Certifications

After graduating from the Data Science Specialization, you will have the opportunity to get certified by CertNexus.


Play Video

Wissam Moussa

Changing career and becoming a Machine Learning Engineer in 16 weeks
Play Video

Fatima Ksayrawi

From 0 knowledge in Machine Learning to a Machine Learning Engineer
Play Video

Hassan Kanaan

From Software Engineering to Machine Learning Engineer




Complete you program application by taking a technical assessment



Go through a general interview to make sure that the program is the right fit for you.



Receive an official acceptance for enrollment.

How Does The Certification Program
Prepare You For The Job Market?




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